Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bonobo x Andreya Triana [sounds]

I stumbled across Andreya Triana last year sometime, while digi-diggin', and decided to keep a close eye on her. Love her sounds. I really think she's one of the "next" ones to blow. Then just a month or 3 ago, while looking for instrumental stuff to listen to while scripting at work, and bitching about my distaste for a lot of electronic music, a friend of mine introduced me to Bonobo. LOVE THEM TOO! I soon found that Andreya Triana has done vocals on numerous tracks with them. The Combination is always nice. Check them both out in this vid...

Let me know who else is gonna blow, and what other good electronic music I'm missing. There's a pretty narrow sweetspot for it with me but, I give most any music a fair shake.

Andreya Triana [site]
Bonobo [site]

PS: Here's another nice one by the pairing, I found while getting the links above, from Bonobo's site: [video]


  1. Oh LOVE her voice! Thanks for the put up on this artist Krev.

  2. Yaya! Glad you dig her Dee. I got a couple others I've been watching...I will post when I find a gem...
